Saturday, December 8, 2007

July - November in Pictures

So what's happened since July? Instead of writing EVERYTHING out, I'll just fill you guys in with mostly pictures. :-)

July: Emily came and stayed for a few weeks. My family also came to San Antonio and we did the whole family thing at Sea World and shtuff. My birthdayyyy blah blah blah... yeah, whatever.

August: I don't even remember what happened in August. I had to change my major AGAIN. That sucked.

September: Let's see... September. Jorge moved to San Antonio (I know! Whaaaat?!) and I finally went to visit Gabe and Natalia in Houston! That was actually really cool. Natalia took Lorraine and I to Kemah, this boardwalk on the Texas coast. It was soooo cute! It was so much cooler than Ocean City. It's not so much mehmeh-look-at-us-we're-a-big-tourist-destination. It's more like that really cute place that not many people have discovered yet and you wish you could keep it a big secret so it won't turn into a huge tourist attraction and it'll keep it's charm. I went to see Pat Green for the second time this year. Awesome as ever.

October/November: School school school. Ohhh went to the scariest Haunted House EVER. I ended up getting mononucleosis and got sick in all kinds of ways. It was probably the sickest I've ever been. That really sucked. Played a lot of guitar hero... and went to Houston for Thanksgiving.

And now it's December! And now you've been filled in!

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