Barack Obama, A couple of Fridays ago, Edinburg, TX
So it's about 5:30 in the morning and I've gotten little sleep because of the primary coverage. I've been an election year political junkie for as long as I can remember. I remember the Clinton/Gore years... yes, back when both of them were hot. Shut up :-p I was truly heartbroken when the election was stolen from Gore in 2000. I donated a decent amount of my own money that I got from my first real job to Kerry in 2004 and was disappointed when he lost. I swear, being a democrat these last 8 years has sort of felt like being a Red Sox fan... not like 2004, 2007 red sox...but the ones who made losing a total art form and broke your heart.
This election season has been different for me though. I was inspired early on by Barack Obama. As a matter of fact, I just checked my dashboard on and it says the following:
Created account 2007-02-19 21:22:34
So it's been over a year and I'm still a strong supporter. So strong that I became a precinct captain here in San Antonio and made phone calls and did some volunteering because I believe strongly in what he can do for America. Now, let me say this. Before throwing my support for Obama, I did consider Hillary and I did plenty of research and found that I caught myself know what, she's a great lady. I do not doubt that she'd make a good president. I do not doubt that she wants to make this country better and she genuinely cares to bring change to America. They are pretty much the same on every issue, you know, slight differences but generally the same... and what it came down to for me was the way that they'd get things done. I continue to believe that Obama has the edge here. He is not nearly as polarizing as she is, he's inspiring and with the inspiration comes a more united America that is more willing to help HIM make that change. Let's face it...she's so polarizing, there's no way she's gonna be able to get done the things that she wants to get done in the white house. Obama is optimistic, he's positive, and he has so much passion and it's so infectious. He is the person I support and for what I think are very valid reasons. Because not only can he deliver, he can also inspire (which i promise you, will lead to more delivering :-p) . And I feel like that's what this country needs.
I don't hate on Hillary supporters. Well, let me rephrase that. I don't hate on Hillary supporters that have made informed decisions. My mom and other people I've heard about in the valley are so ridiculous. If I have to hear ignorant shit like "No,I can't vote for Obama because what if he's a know he went to a terrorist school, right?" or "Hillary, because she's not black" or "Hillary because she's been to the valley before" ..if I have to hear any of this again, I will punch myself in the face. It's really retarded when I've asked some people back home what they don't like about Obama and that's all they can say...either that he's black or that he's "inexperienced" ... Black? Yes. Inexperienced? I think not. He has many, MANY years of experience... true legislative experience (which he actually has more of)
Which is precisely why I've lost respect for Hillary Clinton. I know so many people have heard me say that I'm so genuinely excited that there has been this surge in voting amongst Democrats and that we're all so energized. And I am!!! I've said that no matter what the outcome, it's just great to see this kind of thing. Only, I can't sleep because I'm just disappointed in the way Hillary chose to run her campaign in the last few days. Her decision to go negative was a bad one, at least for me. As an Obama supporter, I've been quick to say that if she won the nomination, I'd vote for her without hesitation. But I just can't believe that she resorted to such crap just to win a few votes from people who scare easily without taking something as important as FACT into consideration.
I really, really hope that the Clinton campaign quits their shit. I don't want to have to vote for mccain if she wins the nomination (she won't but I need to allow for that hypothetical for now.)
Watching Obama's speech yesterday just solidified what I already felt about him. He was a class act, congratulating her on her wins and continuing to focus on what he can offer and not flinging crap at her like she does to him. Hillary supporters out there? I want to be ok with Hillary in the event that she does get the nomination. So start convincing me. After seeing how big of an annoying crybaby bitch she can be, I don't know how I can support her.
That's all for now. I need to sleep :-p
Oh and gotta love that after all of this hullabaloo, the delegate count essentially stays the same. :)
John Kerry, UTB-TSC, the day after Obama spoke in Edinburg
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